Do you feel that sometimes you read an article like the one you are about to read but you know in your heart you will never act on the knowledge you encounter? Sure it’s amusing, the information makes sense but you know deep down, these ideas will never be something you will even try much less succeed in?
Real Estate is a business. You can make a lot of money fast in real estate. Anybody can. I know you might not completely believe me because if it was true, you would have already done so right? If it was easy you would have picked that money off the ground long ago. You realize on some level that there is something stopping you but you cant put your finger on exactly what that is right?
The reason why you may never be in a position where you will try any of the techniques we have to offer here and in the products on our website is because you know something on an unconscious level. You know yourself and you know how you talk and the words that you use are not going to work in the real estate world. I know this may seem left field, but if you were to sit down and analyze the facts, I am sure that is the conclusion you will come up with.
For example lets turn the situation around. You have an area of “self hood” whether its in an occupation or simply a social group like close friends. It doesn’t matter, what matters is to realize there are words you use among your peers, and these words are “inflected” in a certain way that only the inside group know how to do. The inflection represents a greater truth that must be acknowledged whenever certain words and terms are spoken. (I know this is a little abstract, but I know you understand me)
What this is, is very relevant to wealth production. So let’s turn things around for example to give you a birds eye view. Somebody comes into your environment, your “self hood” and the first thing you notice is that they don’t look right. They are dressed incorrectly for your group. Second they don’t use the terms “you and yours” use. Third, when they do get a term or a sentence right when asking for what they want, they say it the wrong way, their “inflection” is wrong. How do you feel about this person?
First you think he is an outsider. This means they are not worthy of your group and your best attention. You treat them relatively poorly because they don’t fit. They don’t make sense within your sphere of reality.
What if you wanted to change your sphere of reality so you can make money in real estate? The first obvious thing you would do is dress more appropriately, that is a great start and will get you into the door. But if you don’t want to be taken advantage of or even laughed at, you must learn the correct way to ask for things. The correct “handles” for different things and how to ask for them.
A new person to business for example will have a problem with accepting personal or business checks as payment. They will want the certainty of cash very vehmently. They will be unaccustomed to the waiting period that business usually assign’s to checks. Most business is conducted by cheques. IOU’s really. But a new comer would find this concept difficult to grasp and accept. They have rendered a service or handed over an asset only to have to wait 5 business days for a check to clear. This is an example of the kind of culture I am referring to that obviously needs to be adopted.
The words and knowing how to inflect your sentences is paramount in business if you want to get what you want. All you have to do is ask, this is absolutely true, but you must know how to ask. Think of it as a secret hand shake that you must discover and learn. That and dressing right is part of the bigger picture.
My very best to you
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Martin Thomas is a professional investor that trades in yacht’s, precious stones and real estate. Jack Reynolds is one of Martin’s students, Jack was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did Martin teach Jack in 24 short months? You can read about Jack’s remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden’s famous book “The Million Dollar Mentor” by clicking here